Sudoku Solver using SAT

SAT solvers are great. You can use them to solve systems of equations, generate cd keys, or even go forwards or backwards in time in Conway’s Game of Life.

When you use them you just list the constraints of a problem and then hit solve. In the past I’ve tried to make sudoku solvers and I’d begin to implement a backtracking algorithm but I’d always get lost and confused. When I made one with a SAT solver the only confusion was in how easy it was.

First: model the sudoku grid

cells = [Int(i) for i in range(BOARDWIDTH ** 2)]
rows = [[cells[BOARDWIDTH * y + x] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH)] for y in range(BOARDWIDTH)]
cols = [[cells[BOARDWIDTH * x + y] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH)] for y in range(BOARDWIDTH)]
subgrids = [[] for i in range(BOARDWIDTH)]

def subgrid(row, col):
    return int(floor(col / SUBGRIDWIDTH) + floor(row / SUBGRIDWIDTH) * SUBGRIDWIDTH)
for row in range(BOARDWIDTH):
    for col in range(BOARDWIDTH):
        subgrids[subgrid(row, col)].append(cells[row*BOARDWIDTH+col])

Second: specify constraints

# cell values should be between 1-9
[s.add(cell > 0) for cell in cells]
[s.add(cell <= BOARDWIDTH) for cell in cells]

# values should be different in any given row/column/subgrid
def alldifferent(grouping):
    for subgroup in grouping:
        for a, b in itertools.combinations(subgroup, 2):
            s.add(a != b)


# set known cell values
Example input: '5...8..49...5...3..673....115..........2.8..........187....415..3...2...49..5...3'
Maps to: 
         5 . . . 8 . . 4 9
         . . . 5 . . . 3 .
         . 6 7 3 . . . . 1
         1 5 . . . . . . .
         . . . 2 . 8 . . .
         . . . . . . . 1 8
         7 . . . . 4 1 5 .
         . 3 . . . 2 . . .
         4 9 . . 5 . . . 3
for idx, val in enumerate(board):
    if val != '.':
        self.s.add(self.cells[idx] == int(val))

Third: handle IO That’s it! No more solving logic required.

Below is the entirety of the solver I made

# Example usage: python '6.....53......27..'

import sys
import itertools
from math import floor
from z3 import *  # import z3-solver


def setup():
    s = Solver()
    cells = [Int(i) for i in range(BOARDWIDTH ** 2)]

        . -> rows
        v cols

    [s.add(cell > 0) for cell in cells]
    [s.add(cell <= BOARDWIDTH) for cell in cells]

    rows = [[cells[BOARDWIDTH * y + x] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH)] for y in range(BOARDWIDTH)]
    cols = [[cells[BOARDWIDTH * x + y] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH)] for y in range(BOARDWIDTH)]
    subgrids = [[] for i in range(BOARDWIDTH)]

    def subgrid(row, col):
        return int(floor(col / SUBGRIDWIDTH) + floor(row / SUBGRIDWIDTH) * SUBGRIDWIDTH)
    for row in range(BOARDWIDTH):
        for col in range(BOARDWIDTH):
            subgrids[subgrid(row, col)].append(cells[row*BOARDWIDTH+col])

    def alldifferent(grouping):
        for subgroup in grouping:
            for a, b in itertools.combinations(subgroup, 2):
                s.add(a != b)


    return s, cells

class SudokuSolver:

    def __init__(self, board):
        self.s, self.cells = setup()

    def parseboard(self, board: str):
        Example input: '5...8..49...5...3..673....115..........2.8..........187....415..3...2...49..5...3'
        :param board:
        for idx, val in enumerate(board):
            if val != '.':
                self.s.add(self.cells[idx] == int(val))

    def solve(self):
        if self.s.check() == sat:
            return self.s.model()
            return None

    def pprint_solution(self, model):
        for row in range(BOARDWIDTH):
            string = ''
            for col in range(BOARDWIDTH):
                string += str(model[self.cells[row*BOARDWIDTH + col]]) + ' '
                if col % SUBGRIDWIDTH == SUBGRIDWIDTH - 1:
                    string += ' '
            if row % SUBGRIDWIDTH == SUBGRIDWIDTH - 1:
                string += '\n'

def main(board):
    s = SudokuSolver(board)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    board = sys.argv[1]

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